Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Impact Assessment of Corona Virus

At this point, it may not seem very serious but the fall of the oil futures yesterday revealed that the world and mankind in particular is stepping into the most precarious unknown. Many governments may go banckrupt unable to keep going in its functions. Many lives too will get dislocated and marginalized never before experienced since WW2.

Many disruptions will occur: Disruptions in foodchain, supply and distribution, production, financing, existing contracts, manufacturing, tax collections, etc....those essentials in living a normal life.

The basic essentials will become so scarce that food riots may occur and chaos will prevail. Only when an equilibrium in supply and demand that this anarchical situation will normalize.

My recommendation therefore for all Pinoys to make all vacant spaces available for planting to staple crops. AND IT SHOULD BEGIN NOW THAT EXISTING FOOD INVENTORY HAS NOT YET BEEN DEPLETED. This is the only way this country will survive this catastrophe!!!


Tuesday, April 21, 2020

As if the virus isnt worst enough to deal the world a fatal blow, here comes the proverbial line "nail on the coffin" that sets the global economy tumbling to the abyss. Whether we're gonna recover...GOD HELP US!

Oil Futures in last night trading crash-dived to the lowest never experienced since 1946, the last time oil was under 10 dollars a barrel. It looks like its a prelude to the "everything bubble" Mike Mahoney calls it.

Actually, the crash was triggered by the CVirus which sent almost all countries infected with it, to initiate quarantines and lockdown on almost all economic activities. Of course, the curtailment of movements of people and business activities impacted on oil consumption. 

With less demand, supply's got to suffer. This glut in the market is nowhere to be stored. This is the problem that precipitated the crash. I have known that shutting down production is much costlier than continuing, Besides, too many people are dependent on their living on oil, Hence, the lesser evil to keep pumping. The end result was oil nosedived to -40$ per barrel. 

What are its ramifications? I think your guess is as good as mine.  I however warn anyone to protect their wealth because of this impending catastrophic meltdown. I believe we are gonna go back to the time when everything was simple then. 

But it seems i gonna like it better,,,,SIMPLE LIFE!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Its been a month that i havent gone out to Samal Island where i used to hang out before this pandemic. Though id say i cope well with this quarantine or lockdown, i still long to give this itching sole a wing. 

Had not this pandemic happened id have burned my wheels on my BT 50 treading those newly built roads along the coasts of Mindanao the past week, being Holy Week. 

I really love seeing places, away from the hustles and bustles of the cities, like  beaches, waterfalls, and mountains. I easily could compose poems once i get immersed to it.

I missed those times in the early 2000s when the kids were in college and i was alone to wander with my new Nissan Frontier 4x4. That saw me up in that forsaken mining place of Diwalwal. I likewise went driving on Lent week a couple of thousand kilometers to Zamboanga passing thru the long way and on my way back the other route to that famous beach Dakak and the home of the national hero, Jose Rizal.

I think i could have made that trip again if it were not for the virus esp that fuel had gone down and too tempting to hit the road.

But i will on my next opportunity before i get too old lol.

Monday, April 13, 2020

They always say that idle mind is a playground of the devil. Then the devil must have played a lot on many minds in this time of lockdown and quarantine.

It did on mine except that the playground is China. After researching a lot on how this pandemic had started, i can say with conviction that its a BIOWARFARE product!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

I discovered this Pinoy band who sings like exactly the Beatles. They were not olds but young guys who got hooked in 60s and 70s song and even earlier. Wow they were just terrific and so much water under the bridge instantly flowed in reverse!

I was in UP in 1966 enrolled as freshman. Stayed in the dorm and during the orientation, i saw a pretty girl from Baguio while the song "Girl" by the Beatles was being played. Hahaha i ended up being her weekend visitor in Ilangilang Dorm. She became my inspiration in my struggle to keep my scholarship in PreMed. 

Indeed those times in our life is almost always associated with songs esp my time when songs are quite full of emotions and memories unlike today's song when u cant make out what they compose the songs for.

One way or another every song evokes memories wherever, whenever and however we are. It is so powerful that once it is triggered, it stop us in our tract, unable to move forward but backward down memory lane. 

Well, it could be that i am a senior now and naturally those resevoir of people we met and situations we esperienced in those bygone years. 

This quarantine and lockdown afford me with the luxury of time! Happy reminishing!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Life indeed is so fleeting. Here today gone tomorrow does not even qualify.  

Yesterday the mother of my daughter in law Glory, celebrated her 71st birthday and nowhere did i expect something would terribly happened to her. Kenshin, my grandkid, sung her a birthday song and even took a screenshot of him and her gramma like it was just any ordinary day, 

But it wasnt. Today she left earth and i admit i am shocked!
Of course, other people i suppose will hasten to say corona virus did it, being in this precarious time of lockdown and quarantine. 

Glory stayed home the past weeks being advised by her children not to venture to the malls. Mall-going was her passion. Being  a fulfilled parent, she does what she had to do to enjoy her life. I used to see her pics in FB partying with her contemporaries. She was indeed living her life, 

Keep enjoying your life in the next world Glory. GODSPEED! You will surely be missed by Kenshin!

And us.

  Happy New Year 2023!!! Hope to find time this year to get back to blogging😞 The world is in turmoil with the war in Ukraine getting me wo...