Saturday, September 30, 2017

The Love of My Life The Apples of My Eyes

Hey am back from a long hiatus! Guess what? i got new things that's gonna steal my attention from now on.
1. My grandkids---Maryam & Zainab & Kenshin. Maryam is 10 yrs old; Zainab 8yrs old and Kenshin who is now 8 mos. old. Hahaha all are so adorable makes me a doting granpa.

2. And of course that thing that gives us moolah..2Q1 Corporation.

Anyway for now, ill keep my responsibility of being a granpa. I really love to keep watch of all my grankids. I dont know about others but lookin at my grankids gives me immense fulfillment, like am a father again.

So starting today, Oct 1, 2017, ill be posting pics and entries 'bout my 3 grankids: 2 girls and 1 boy. Tho my 2 girl grankids are in the US, i dont miss videotalkin with them thru messenger or viber. I had juz talked with them yesterday when they arrived buying munchkins. I got news that Manna, the older one, almost perfected her science exam-292 out of 300 questions. She did the same in her math. Btw, she has a personal blog where she writes her thoughts, activities, etc, and am an avid follower!

Zainab, on the other hand and the younger sista, is equally lovely and pretty as well. She's a math genius acc to her classmate. She's the joker, funny at that and very articulate. She could talk to u in Brit accent hahaha and i love listening to her talk.She won the art contest in the state of New Jersey by depicting the community where she lives. Her work is published by Artsonia and u may buy her art at that site like i did.

Here they are recently:

They juz did a 2month vacay  and granpa was 24/7 bonding with them because they are growing up so fast.Sometimes in my own time, i regretted not being with them when they were born and watch over them like what i do now with Kenshin. Here's Kenshin:

These are all for today. See u all tomorrow!

  Happy New Year 2023!!! Hope to find time this year to get back to blogging😞 The world is in turmoil with the war in Ukraine getting me wo...